About This Game Welcome to UBERMOSH Vol.7 UBERMOSH is a fast-paced arcade series that started in 2015 and was shaped by the amazing community's feedback each new volume. You play as a Saint fighting in a gun-filled pit, defeating as many opponents as you can in a 90 seconds match, the UBERMOSH, an enlightenment ritual of combat. "The Colony is expanding, the Saints of New Ultakaar in their path to Ascension (and to bring us Enlightenment) can call a... UUUBERMOSHH!!" 7aa9394dea Title: UBERMOSH Vol.7Genre: Action, IndieDeveloper:Walter MachadoPublisher:Walter MachadoRelease Date: 30 Apr, 2019 UBERMOSH Vol.7 Cracked This game is ridiculous: a bullet-hell top-down shooter so intense you win by lasting merely 90 seconds. The number of enemies is immense, the pressure is continual, and your only means of survival is to slaughter them so hard that their many-hued alien bug blood turns the screen into a randomised painting program.The gameplay is absorbing, the different characters all fun to play, the progression system exciting to conquer, and the soundtrack -- as ever -- is amongst the best ever found in gaming. Walter Machado deserves your money.. Having played and 100%'d every former Ubermosh title, I have pretty mixed feelings on this entry. This is a subjective review and might not resonate with other players.I like these as binge games; I buy them, go hard at them for a day or two, use their achievements as a progress indicator, ace them and move on until the next game gets released. This game hinders that by having these forced progression amounts where you start at, say, 40% and only gain 4% of progress each time you beat the score requirement.This is also an odd game design choice to me. Doing well and getting a good score is virtually pointless. As far as I've seen it doesn't record your high score on any of the characters, and there's no in-game benefit to doing better than you need to for the next progress bump.Example: I just played as Saint Clone AiA. To go from 70% to 75% progress I had to reach a score of 2,000. I had a hell of a run and got 3,700 points, a score the game's already forgotten about. Now I just have to rinse and repeat and get 2,200 to reach 80%. It won't be hard, but there's a point where this style of progression becomes tedium, not a word I'd associate with any previous entry.Everything else about the game is awesome. The characters and styles feel more distinguishable than in any previous title and were done wonderfully. The one complaint I see from other people is the boundary restrictions, but even those don't bother me too much.I'm going to give it a thumbs up in the end, because I still think it's the best in the series if you're not going to be disappointed by the progress\/score dynamic.. man, it feels bad writing a negative review about an ubermosh game. I really like this Dev's games, sure, they were simple and didn't have much content but they were really fun for a few hours and the music always slapped, however this game feels like it's really phoning it in.some contextEver since I discovered ubermosh (and the other series like "trip to the vinelands" and swarmriders) I've become oddly obssesed with these games, and for a while I was satisfied, each game added little interesting features, like multipul arms, brain claps and some small things. I feel like the series peaked at Sancticide.But while this game does add characters but they all feel either extremely busted or extremely weak. but IDK maybe I just got burned out of this series. I think that making the arena smaller is a good idea but I think it went too fat with it and characters like the blademaster that don't start with a gun just get completely overwhelmed and I don't know how to finish this review so. buy santicide and....bye. If you've played anything else in the UBERMOSH series you know what to expect, if not then be prepared for weeping and gnashing followed by twitchy nerves as you attempt to survive 90 seconds of pure hell. Everything from the previous games has been refined and improved in this title. Instead of picking a class and ability, there are now six characters representing different play styles, including kensai (pure melee) and gunner. The arena is limited and without terrain features, the enemy spawn rates are dialed up, shielded enemies and spread-guns appear quickly. The result is that the game is in full swing the instant you drop in, character abilities fire more often, and you can put all focus on tracking projectiles and positioning your character.I've completed the first six games and consider this the definitive one. If you've never played these games before, this is likely the best one, it includes the best aspects of the series plus improvements. *It is also possibly the most difficult depending on which character you pick. This is a good thing.*. Absolutely amazing. Tons of love went into making this title and it shows in every detail. The soundtrack and the artwork mix so well to give it the perfect grungy style and feel, and the UBERMOSH Vol. 7 system makes the whole world feel alive and takes us on the next step in the series. It's a masterpiece.Downside: No intro line. But it's no longer needed... The Colony has evolved past it. Highly recommended.. The Ubermosh series has always been great fun, the soundtrack has always been awesome...Vol.7 has managed to be such an improvement that it brought back that feeling i had when i played my first rounds of my first Ubermosh game.The pain in my right hand after an hour of playing with Blademaster Q...The grim joy of discharging the melter over and over again...The goosebumps when i first reached 2000 kills...The adrenaline rush during the moments when i started reaching 3000+ kills...The satisfaction when i reached 100% ascension...This isn't a game, it's an experience and there is just one word to describe it: >> UUUBERMOSHH !! <<Buy now !. This game is pretty great if you love brutally smashing your way through stuff. Like the entire vibe of this game is 10\/10 and full of brutality.
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